About Magazine

I have been publishing my version of About Magazine since March 2005. At that time it was known as About Newton. I got into this business through Lorraine Harrison, who publishes the About Conyers Magazine. Lorraine trained me and has been a mentor and good friend ever since. For a couple of years I changed the name to About Covington since that's where my primary focus was. Later on I expanded coverage to include Madison and Morgan County. This has worked extremely well for advertisers in both markets and those in between. Here's the coverage map:
It is a monthly magazine (except for January) that I personally design, edit, publish and send to all 21,000 homes in my targeted area. The magazine is completely supported by advertisers, but it does contain regular columns by local writers. Nicole Rushin, Laurie Oliver, Marshall McCart, Jason Dees, Molly Lesnikowski, Karen Strelecki, Jan Jentzen and now Dick Hodgetts regularly contribute to the editorial content. Though not a "coupon mailer" it is highly anticipated for its usual coupons from Pacho's Mexican Grill, who has been an advertiser from day 1, Nagoya Japanese Steak House, Maggie's on the Square, Amici Italian Cafe, and others.

Since I began publishing in 2005, my rates have remained either constant or have been reduced. It's an old pitch to say my rates are so low because my overhead is too. After all, I do sales, graphics, photography and printing management. Here are the rates to appear in the magazine for one time, and mailed to 21,000 homes (see map).
1/6 page $99
1/4 page $150
1/3 page $195
1/2 page $270
Full page $525

I don't know what other publications charge, but I frequently hear that our combination of quality advertisers, interesting content and circulation is the best deal going.

Here is a testimonial that appeared in my October 2010 issue, reported by Dick Hodgetts. I think this shows how my magazine and I work effectively with advertisers. This one is about Brendale's Salon & Stuff, a truly unique and fun store in Covington.
I'm so thankful to Brenda and Wanda Pugh, owners of Brendale's, for being the kind of customers who appreciate my approach to local marketing, and have been loyal advertisers month after month. We have learned a lot from each other, and are more friends than just business associates.

1 comment:

  1. When do I get to publish my testimonial? I think this is the only local advertising that works.

